Cash Tills

Discount UK supplier of digital industrial, commercial, retail weighing scales, counting scales and cash tills


SAMSUNGER-350 Single Station,Low Cost High Performance ECR with Alpha Print Dot Matrix Printer (57mm) with Description Receipt and Optional RS232 Interface to Remote Printer,Programmable Logo (5 lines),Eight Departments,300 PLU’s – !2 Character Description(Ideal for Fast Food Outlets especially with Remote Printer,Financial Reports,Rear Customer Display,Optional Waterproof Cover £230
SAMSUNGER-380Start Simple and Upgrade as your Business Needs.Single Station Clam Shell Thermal Printer(57mm),Raised Keyboard,Display10DigitVFD,Memory ROM 4MBIT,RAM 1MBIT(Default),
Interface 1 x RS232,Clerks 10,Gps 20,
Checks 15,Lines Per Check 30, Mix &
Match 10,Electronic Journal 3000 or
7000 with 1Ram Chip.Descriptors 18
Characters,Training Mode, Graphic Logo Printing 8 Lines,Buffer Receipt.
Optional SRP-270 Kichen Printer,Bar Code Scanner,Programming Utility Software,Samstock Stock Control Software 
SAM4SER-420MSimple,quick,quiet,low cost,two station,thermal printing
cash register.PLU’s 300 min to 8000 max.12Depts.20 Groups.15 Clerks.3000 line electronic journal.18 Character Decscriptors.Currency conversion.Ram Chip Enhancement.2 Line Alpha Numeric LCD Display.
Cash Drawer 4 Note & 8 Coin.Interface 2 x RS-232.
Dimensions 400 x 450 x 266mm.Optional Bar Code
Scanner,Samstock Stock Control,Programming Utility
Software,Kitchen Printer.
SAM4SER-5140High Performance ECR withTwo Station Dot Matrix Printer.40 Departments.1000 Pre-set or Open PLUs.4 Clerk Buttons.Layaway feature.Detail Post Finalisation Receipt.Link to PC.Table or Room Accounts for Restaurants or Hotels.Link to Remote order printer.Training Mode.Sterling and Euro.Daily and Period to Date Reports.Programmable Header and Footer Messages.Communications Serial Port£330
 SAM4SER-4615Two Station ECR with 45mm wide Dot Matrix Printer Receipt and Journal,300 PLU’s with 12 Character Description.Programmable 4 line LOGO,Front and Rear Display,4Clerk,15/10/5 Departments,Financial Reports,Currency Conversion,Gallonage Feature,Optional Wet Cover £230
SAM4S ER-5115 ER-5140High Performance,Low Cost,Two Station,Dot Matrix ECR’s providing gateway to System Features using RS232 Interface.5115 has 15/10/5 Depts,5140 has 40/20 Depts.1000 Pre-set or Open PLU’s,4Clerk buttons or 15 Clerks using Sign-On Codes,Table or Room Accountss with Detailed Billing,,Handles Euro Currency,Programmable Header and Footer Messages,Front And Rear Display,Financial Reports,Optional Wet Cover. £260 / £330
SAM4SER-5100 High Performance,Versatile Preset ECR Designed for Most Hospitality Applications,Two Station Dot Matrix Printer,Front and Rear Display,!000 Preset Price or Open Price PLU’s,Simple Programming with Qwerty Style Keyboard,,RS232 Interface,,Currency Conversion,4 Clerk Buttons or 15 using Sign On Codes, Daily and Period to Date Financial Reports,Table and Room Management,Eat In Eat Out and Drive Through Function, Cash Drawer 4B/8C, Optional Wet Cover.£380
SAM4SER5215High Performance,Low Cost Two Station Thermal Printer.60Raised keys.15 Depts.20Gps 1000 PLUs.12 Character Desc.10Clerk.Currency Conversion.RS232C Interface.4 Tax.Table Management.Logo.£375
SAM4S ER-650   Big System Features at Low Cost,Front and Rear Display,Single Station Direct Thermal Printer giving Detailed Bills for Check Tracking or Real Time Receipt Printing,Large Standard RAMProvides Electronic Jounal,Two Serial Ports For Remote Printers,Barcode Scanner,Modem or PC and IRC for up to 8 x ER-650’s,Optional Software Available for User Friendly Stock Control,Optional Slip Printer,Optional Scanner,Cash Drawer 4B/8C,Optional Wet Cover£440
SAM4S  SER-6500 Mk2Full Feature System ECR,Designed for Hospitality,Leisure and General Retail with Barcode Scanning,Check Tracking with Memory Billing,Stand Alone or Network,Employee Clock In and Out wih Hours Workrd Report,£ Keyboard Levels_16 Character Description and 2 Prices per Plu,Real Time Stock Control,2 x RS232 and 1 x RS485 Ports,IRC Port for up to 16 Terminals,Cash Drawer 4B/8C,Optional Slip Printer Check Out Scae Barcode Scanner Etc.Etc £540
 SAM4SSER-6540 Mk2 Full Feature Intelligent,Reliable and Secure EPOS ECR,Stand Alone or Network up to 16 Terminals,Up to 15,500 Product File with Automatic Broadcast to Network,!6 Character PLU Description and 2 Prices per Product,Automatic Reports at Preset Times,Optioanal Slip Printer,Label Printer,Barcode Scanner,Scale,Stock Control,Cash Draw 4B/8C,Optional Wet Cover £575
SAM4S SPS-1000 Top of the Range,Modular,Intelligent,EPOS Terminal for Hospitality and Barcode Scanning Applications,Stand Alone or Link up to 32 x SPS-1000,15 Line x 40 Character LCD Display,Flat Keyboard,169 Keys,3 x RS232 Ports Standard, Various Impact and Thermal Printers,Scanner,PC,Hub,4 Separately Accessed Check Tracking Files can be Cleared or Updated Individually,Inventory Control,Standard and User Defined Reports,User Defineable Electronic Journal,Employee Timekeeping£750
CASIOTE10058mm Single Station Thermal Printer.Graphic Logo
Function. Receipt or Journal Function. Pop up Rotary
Customer Display.1200PLU’s. 24 Departments with 12
Characters / 50 Groups. 10 Clerks. PC Connection.
Calculator Function.Electronic Journal.PGM Data B/U.
Dimensions 410W x 474D x 269H.
CASIOTE200058mm Two Station Thermal Printer.14 Lines/Second
Quick & Quiet Printing.Graphic Logo Function.Pop up
Rotary Display.1500 PLU’s. 50Groups.15 Clerks.
24 Departments with 12 Characters.PC Connection.
Calculator Function.PGM Data Backup.Dimensions
410W x 474D X 269H.
CASIOTK-T200Hospitalty Business Efficiency with Full Flat Keyboard
and Table Tracking.Dtailed/Non Detailed Check
Tracking.Max.50 Check Management.Guest Receipt.
Add Clerk.Clerk Interrupt Function.Condiment
/Preparation PLU.Graphic Logo Function.Receipt or
Journal Selection.Pop Up Rotary Customer Display.
1200 PLU’s.50 Groups.20 Clerks.PC Connection.
Set Menu Function.Calculator Function.Electronic
Journal.Text Recall. 4-8 Departments (12 Characters)£
SHARPXE-A301Two Station,High Speed Quiet Thermal Printing ECR.
Two Line LCD Operator Display.Locking Cash Drawer with 5 Bill & 8 Coin Depts.raphic Logo.Receipt and
Audit Trail.Pop Up Customer LED Display.Print Speed
13.3 Lines/Sec.Paper Width 44.5mm.99 Depts.
1800 PLU’s.Raised Keys. Size 421W x 429D x 305H.
SHARPER-A410Perfect for Small Convenience,Grocery and Speciality
Stores. Two Station Thermal Printer (Paper 44.5mm).
Receipt On/Off.Graphic Logo(6 Line Logo Print ).
Locking Cash Drawer 5 Bill, 8 Coin.PC Connection
2 x RS232 Ports.20 Clerks.Training Mode.20 Depts
Standard(99 Maximum). PLU’s 500 Standard,1800
Maximum. Size 355W x 424D x 305H.